Eaton Canyon (Series)

2017, suite of five works; still from
Eaton Canyon (journal represented in time)

Traces of what has come before imbue the present. In Eaton Canyon, a highly trafficked hiking area in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains near Los Angeles, you can find a multitude of traces of the canyon’s own making—traces of geologic change, of jurisdictional decisions, of plant and animal life, of constructions built to last but now left in ruins. The artworks in this suite are imbued with traces not only of a particular moment in this canyon’s life, but also of their own making.

The suite of five works was made with support from Echo Park Film Center and funding from the Mike Kelley Foundation for the Arts.

Works in the series:

  • Eaton Canyon (1.2 miles in 50 feet): super 8 to digital, 9.5 min.
  • Eaton Canyon (1 hour in 150 square feet): digital, 57.5 min., sound
  • Eaton Canyon (water marks, #1–6): paper
  • Eaton Canyon (journal with 100 gridded pages): book
  • Eaton Canyon (journal represented in time): digital, 3.5 min., silent