2011, 41 min. for all 11 sketches/field notes, Super 8 to digital (still from #1: Quiz)
Field Notes is a series of eleven short films studying the place and meaning of nature in the Los Angeles area. Conceptually drawing from biological field notes and artist sketches—initial raw processes of sense-making through recording that may later be honed and shaped into more formal works—the notes and sketches in this set are unpolished, capturing the attempt to understand, the impulse of wonder, the act of re-seeing through creating. Imaged on Super 8, then hand-processed and finished digitally, Field Notes is a project about asking rather than telling, about process rather than product.
The 11 sketches/field notes:
Tree 1
Dialogue 1
Dialogue 2
Tree 2
Field Notes was my project for my month-long artist residency at Echo Park Film Center as part of its LA AIR program.
At the Echo Park Film Center screening of the work, I invited screening attendees to join me on a short nature walk and collaborate on a video collage sketch. View that 43-second collaboration here.
View Field Notes: Tree 1 below.